Home Care

Maintaining oral hygiene Between Appointments

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tooth decay and gum disease. While regular dental check-ups are important for detecting potential problems, daily home care routines are crucial for preventing them.

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is the leading cause of tooth loss in developed countries, but it can be largely preventable through proper oral hygiene practices.

To aid in maintaining good oral hygiene, there are a variety of oral hygiene aids available. 

  • Dental floss: Dental floss can help remove food particles and plaque from between the teeth,
  • Interdental cleaners are gentle on the gums and effective at cleaning the contours of teeth.
  • Mouth rinses: Mouth rinses come in two types: cosmetic rinses that temporarily suppress bad breath, and therapeutic rinses that can help reduce bad breath, plaque, and cavities
  • Oral irrigators, Oral irrigators, like Water Jets and Waterpiks, can help remove debris below the gum line and lower the risk of gum disease
  • Rubber tip stimulators: Rubber tip stimulators are useful for removing plaque around the gum line and stimulating blood flow to the gums.
  • Tongue cleaners: Tongue cleaners can help remove bacteria and fungi that can lead to bad breath, while toothbrushes, especially electric toothbrushes, can effectively remove plaque and food particles.

It's important to note that while these aids are helpful, they should not replace regular professional cleanings, which are recommended at least twice a year to remove tartar and deeper debris. 

Overall, a combination of regular dental check-ups, daily home care routine and oral hygiene aids can help maintain excellent oral hygiene, preventing tooth loss and other oral health problems.

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